Marketing Executive

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  • Job Vacancy > Marketing Executive
    Location > Dar Es Salaam
    Position Type > Full Time
    Organization Type > Company Website >

  • Unisoft Technologies (T) Ltd

Application Deadline: 05 May 2016

Qualification: Bachelor in Marketing

Experience: 2 to 4 years in Marketing in ICT equipments, software.

• Targeted customers: Banks, Government institutions, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Laboratories.
• Should have adequate knowledge in marketing in software solutions.
• Highly effective communication skills and convincing power.
• Results oriented behavior and marketing intelligence.
• Ability to quick understand of customer needs.


CV sent by Email only

AVOID SCAMS: NEVER pay to have your CV / Application pushed forward.
Any job vacancy requesting payment for any reason is a SCAM. If you are requested to make a payment for any reason, please use the Report Abuse, or call +255 768 982 800 to report the scam.

If you are qualified for this positi

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